Monday, May 28, 2012

Creating Drop Down list in Excel

Excel provides a function create a drop down list in any of the cells in Excel work sheet without the need of any  EXCEL VBA codes.  The Drop down list can be created using data validation features. The drop down content might be a text,numeric values or dates.
Creating Drop Down list on Excel

Step to create drop down list in Excel using Data validation feature:

  • Enter the list of items in a range of excel sheet. 
  • Select the cell where you want to create drop down list
  • Choose Data->Tools->Data Validation
  • In the data validation dialog box, click Settings tab
  •  In the Allow drop down list, select list
  • In the source box, specify the range that contains the list
  • Make sure "In-Cell Dropdown" option is checked and click OK
1.If your list is short, then you can type the list items separated by commas in the Source box in the Data Validation dialog box instead of selecting range
2. In the earlier versions of Excel, list of items required to be in the same sheet as the cell that contains drop down list. In Excel 2010, the list can be in the any sheet. So if you are planning to share the date with others who use older version of Excel, then ensure the list of items range is in the same sheet.
3. Alternatively, you can put the list on Any sheet as long as it is a named range.  You can Define a range by choosing Formula->Defined Names->Define Name to define the name of the range.

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