Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Windows 7 Enterprise Edition Review

I have installed Windows 7 enterprise edition day before yesterday. However i have tested it around three months back with beta version of Windows 7 ultimate. At that time my system was having just 1 gb of RAM. I felt bit slow and i faced bit of hanging problems. Hence i have removed it from my system. This time i have upgraded my RAM(Which is the only thing i can upgrade in my old system) and tried and i very much satisfied with the performance.
  This month CHIP magazine is shipped with Windows 7 Enterprise edition 90 days trail version. As i always interested on testing new OS i have burnt the image on to DVD and installed into my system. The beta has taken more than  90 mins to complete the installation in my system. But this version got installed completely without any set backs in just 60 mins. When it comes the speed considering my system configuration 1.7 Ghz Pentium and 1.5 GB of RAM, i can say awesome.
  It has beautiful themes inbuilt. All are having wonderful photos. My system is rated with 1 in Windows experience rating but the looks are really great.

  The booting time is very less compared to Windows  Vista. It takes slightly more time than Windows XP to boot up.  I have tried opening some applications and installed programming languages which i was using in Windows XP. The time almost equal to XP. Moreover i never faced issues of system getting hanging or any problems as such.

I have faced only problem that is using Sleep function. It fails to return from Sleep state. I can understand that it is because of my system configurations.
  Finally i will recommend Windows 7 to all. That is because it has more features and less resource hungry. As per the reviews i read so far i got a feeling that it is safer than any other versions of Windows XP.

Price range:5800-11500(Lowest for Windows 7 home basic and maximum for Windows 7 Ultimate.)

Hope price will reduce shortly.

Windows Hacks

We all faced this. That is, even though we are using the systems for ourself and no one else is using the system but the every time you will get password prompts. This can be bypassed editing the registry entries.
 Windows can be configured such away it automatically log in a user on starting.  For doing this just follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Login to the user account with administrator rights.
  • Go to registry editor. For this, Click on Start-->Run  and type 'regedit' and OK.
  • Navigate to the left side of the tool to the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon' key.
  •  Now we need to  change some values on the right side for activating the automatic log-in. For this, double click the entry and enter the new configuration in the 'Edit string' dialog box under 'Value'. Subsequently, confirm this action with 'OK'. If one of the values described in the following do not exist, create it. Use the command 'Edit->New->String' for this and name it 'AutoAdminLogon'.
  • Double click the 'AutoAdminLogon' and change the value to '1' which basically turns on the automatic login. IF you wish to turn off this feature replace '1' with '0'
  •  Enter the name you wish to log in to, under 'DefaultUserName'. If it is not there create that. Enter your password under 'Defaultpassword', If this is not available create it.
Note: Activating automatic login will face security risk if some else is using your computer. As your user name and password are visible in registry this is not recommended if you are using public systems.